Predominantly serving the Galveston, Brazoria, Chambers and South Harris County Areas, However, We can build anywhere needed in Texas or Louisiana
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Saving Money
After the pandemic - metal prices have more than doubled in cost. Just recently - prices have started falling. I do not believe they will ever be back to what they were before - But it is a good sign.
Synergy Assistance Services
Turn-Key Construction
Planning/Design Services
Site/Location Engineering
ADA Engineering to Codes
Energy Engineering to Codes
City Beautification Codes
Corridor Development Standards
Windstorm Engineering
Foundation Engineering
Building Engineering
Permitting Processes
Site Preparation
Building Pads
Building - Erection
Heating and Air Conditioning
Electrical and Plumbing
Septic & Waterwells
Overhead Doors
Interior Finish-Outs
Custom Interiors
Windstorm Certification
Remodeling Projects
Building Additions
Building Damage Repair
Re-Sheeting - Exteriors
Landscaping - Code Requirements
Canopies & Overhangs
Site Consulting Services
Site Locating & Acquisition
Financial Assistance
Synergy Building Systems, Inc. wants to be your Building Contractor. Call today for the pricing for that new building you have always wanted. Together we can make it happen.